En Tois Epouranios #19

By Michael S. Mecikalski

In the Heaven Far Above All Heavens #19 

Greetings faithful saints; note: in the last article #18, the reference on line 20 of paragraph 2 should have been Ezekiel (Eze.) 28:12-19. Sorry.

My wife & I want to sincerely thank all of you who prayed & “supplicated” concerning the 1st annual Boscobel Bible Conference (the BBC). The men of God who spoke did an exceedingly great job and their words were received with a “spirit” of love, meekness, sincerity, honor, & joy.

As God’s Word should be! It was an honor to be part of this work and my personal prayers were answered at the 110% level!

To all of you doing labors of love for the Lord,” and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.” (Col.3:23&24), and further,” but ye brethren be not weary in well doing” (IIThess.3:13).

Returning to our look at the dispensation of the fullness of times (Eph.1:10); please review articles # 7&18. Point of view #1” concerning this dispensation is that it will take place after the millennial reign (Rev.20: 1-6), after the annihilation of Satan (Rev.20:10-15), after the destruction of death (“the last enemy” Rev.20:14; interesting), after the “burning up” of the heavens & the earth (II Pet.3:10-13), after the New Earth and the New Jerusalem (the Holy City) are formed (Rev.21:1& 2).Then according to ICor15:24-28,the “end” comes and Christ the Lord delivers up “the Kingdom to God, even the Father” and all rule, authority and power will have been “put down” (riveting truth). Verse 28 then testifies, “and when all things shall be subdued unto Him,then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all “. Many great people of God feel that this “delivering up” of the Kingdom by the Son to the Father and the subsequent reality of God being “all in all” is describing the dispensation of the “fullness of times” that the apostle Paul is speaking of in Eph.1:10. This constitutes the explanation of “point of view #1” concerning this dispensation.

Attention: The manifestation of the Church which is Christ’s Body (Col.3:1-4), the Church that is the fullness of Him that fills all in all and is the fullness of Him that is set at the Father’s right hand (En Tois Epouranios), “in the Heaven far above all heavens), far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, (Eph.1:20-23), will occur before the so-called rapture, before the millennial kingdom, the death of Satan & the New Heavens and the New Earth!

Astounding! continued