
By Oscar M Baker
A study of God in the theological sense must be taken up in at least four lines:

4.God....Manifest in the flesh.
We know nothing about God absolute. In the Scriptures there is no such thing as a philosophy of God. There is not one statement that speaks of God alone without relation to His creatures. The whole revelation of God (or the Godhead) is limited. It is limited to encompass the purpose of the ages. Beyond that we have no revelation of Him at all
We have explained the second in mentioning the first. Even when it is revealed that GOD IS    SPIRIT, it is followed by the relative     statement, THEY WHO WORSHIP HIM, MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.
To reveal Himself in any way to a creature, God as the absolute must limit Himself.
Man, as well as other creatures, do not know anything in the absolute sense. He must know only relatively. Then God must reveal Himself relatively.
In the Old Testament He appeared in several forms, such as man, angel, as Son of man and other titles you may find.
In the New Testament, God is revealed to man as the Son. As such He voluntarily limited Himself, even to the extent that He chose not to know some things. For an example,
He chose not to know when He was coming again. Yet He has the power of omniscience. How limited do you think He is now, seated in His Father's throne, higher than all government and powers, and Head of all things to the church?
Yet God appeared to man in the form of a servant. That is hard to realize. Form here is not so much shape or appearance as it is His character or position. It is not a change of substance.
Let us exclaim with Thomas, MY LORD AND MY GOD!                                           Nov. 1948