
by Oscar M. Baker
    Salvation is a flexible term, and has many shades of meaning. Anything from Delivered to Made Whole.
Sometimes Salvation is used of the obtaining of Eternal Life. Also used in reference to entering upon a calling or position. The context must decide the meaning.
Man obtains Salvation today by believing John 3:16 and identifying himself with the Whosoever. He can obtain another Salvation by believing the gospel of the dispensation of the Musterion truth. That is what the Ephesians did, Eph. 1:13. If you will read very carefully from the first of the chapter you will notice that these saints and faithful at Ephesus to whom Paul writes are members of the Church which is the Body of Christ. They had been chosen before the overthrow of the world. They had been subject to the will of the Father, received the work of the son, and had been sealed by the Spirit.
In verse 12 Paul speaks of himself and some others who had first received the new gospel. Then in verse 13 he speaks of the Ephesians as having believed The Gospel of Their Salvation and as a consequence being sealed. This sealing as the following context shows has to do with their position and inheritance in the Body. The gospel of their Salvation was none other than the good news concerning a new dispensation of God to and for a group chosen in the dim and distant past, the gospel of the dispensation of the Musterion Truth. They received that Salvation by trusting in Christ as Head. This same Salvation is spoken of in Eph. 2:8,9. There again the method of obtaining it is given. It is by Grace Through Faith. It is a gift. It is in no way of works. Therefore a position in the Body is not a reward for faithfulness or works. It is a gift that is received by faith and trust in Christ as the Head.
We have no word or revelation that there has been any change in this principle yet today.  This Salvation is still received by faith.