Picture Talk

Picture Talk

By George Feldman

Our picture is symbolical in every sense the word. It does not depict any geographical location in particular, or any specific event in history. But the predominant mood is one of devastation and hopelessness, except for the hope offered from heaven. The war ravaged buildings silhouetted against the fires and billowing smoke of the city seem to characterize this 20th century with all its bloodshed and man's inhumanity to man. Peace is a scarce item.

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The Word of Truth for Today 6

By Joseph L. Watkins

"God our Saviour ... will have all men to be saved, and (He also desires that all SAVED MEN) to come unto the knowledge of The Truth." 1 Tim. 2:3,4

In our own feeble way we are doing what we can to help other men reach this end, to come "unto" the knowledge of The Truth for Today. We also greatly desire to help other saints to learn the art of 'Dividing The Word of Truth' - RIGHTLY.

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