The Buddha of Christendom

The Buddha of Christendom

"The Buddha of Christendom" by Robert Anderson
The Reformation that took place in the 16th century is the subject of this book.  The Reformers believed that the Bible should be the supreme standard of authority, whereas Rome taught that "the Church" was.  These two differing viewpoints are still at odds in the days in which we live.  One position is Christianity and the other is the religion of Christendom and of its Buddha

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By George Feldman

The picture above would certainly be a strange and mystifying sight for anyone who has never read the Bible. Someone walk on water? How could that ever be possible? But we do read in the gospel narratives of this historical event that took place when the disciples of the Lord Jesus were caught in a storm in the middle of the Sea of Galilee during the very early hours of the morning. The disciples thought they saw a ghost and were terrified, but the Lord identified Himself and comforted them.

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Things Most Surely Believed As To - Resurrection 2

By Joseph L. Watkins

"Resurrection of The Dead." Yes, The Resurrection is always of the dead. The Holy Scriptures know nothing of man's ideas of the resurrection of the body. Such are Satanic lies concerning the immortality of soul. Our risen Lord Christ Jesus "ONLY" has Immortality: "Who is the King of kings, and Lord of lords,Who only hath immortality, dwelling in ... light which no man can approach unto; Whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to Whom be honour and power."

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The Word of Truth for Today 20

By Joseph L. Watkins

Our lesson is Right Division, but we are trying to justify our enjoining parts of Holy Scripture this time. For us to refer to Paul's seven post-Acts epistles as "Paul's Book" is a bit of a stretch, I must admit, however I see those Seven-asONE.  I might have called them Paul's paper, that would make them one, but we find far too many different subjects in them to use that term. I have at times called them Paul's message, but again they contain much more then one single message, and they are also addressing more than one single audience, or group. I first considered "book" for seven different epistles or chapters bring into view a book, and folks would not expect each chapter to be covering the same ground over and over.

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