The Buddha of Christendom

The Buddha of Christendom

"The Buddha of Christendom" by Robert Anderson
The Reformation that took place in the 16th century is the subject of this book.  The Reformers believed that the Bible should be the supreme standard of authority, whereas Rome taught that "the Church" was.  These two differing viewpoints are still at odds in the days in which we live.  One position is Christianity and the other is the religion of Christendom and of its Buddha

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Ephesians Radio Message #3

By Oscar M. Baker

"...the church which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all" (Eph. 1:22,23). Remember, after the book of Acts, the word church is never used in the plural. Now there are many churches before the end of Acts while the Kingdom was in view, there were many churches - churches in Rome, Ephesus, Laodecia, Thessalonica, Corinth and other places. But such assemblies are never mentioned again after Acts 28:28; it is The Church. It has no headquarters here on earth. But it is seated with Christ in the heavenlies, He is the Head, it is His body. AND THAT IS THE GREAT DIFFERENCE. It has nothing to do with the Kingdom because there He is to be King of kings and Lord of lords. But here He has a special title, Head of the church which is His Body. We must be careful that we maintain this title.

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The Word of Truth for Today 21

By Joseph L. Watkins

Our continuing Quest is ever The Truth, yes, The Truth of God which was given to mankind with this present age in view, even "Truth For Today".

Our current task is trying to encourage folks toward the understanding of 1 Timothy and Titus having been given "after Acts-times, and only after the apostle Paul had received "The Musterion Truth" (Eph. 5:32).

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