An Alphabetical Analysis


An Alphabetical Analysis


10 volume set - Sold only in sets

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by Charles H. Welch

Book Review by Robert Guenther
An Alphabetical Analysis is a complete reference library of topics on Biblical subjects. It is divided into four sections: Doctrinal, Practical, Prophetical, and Dispensational. These books cover about 488 different subjects from Aaron to Zion. They contain over 5,000 pages of Biblical studies and expositions to give us a better understanding of the work of Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. How did these books get their name? They come with an index book that lists all the subjects in alphabetical order. This enables the student to find the topic he is interested in searching out. One definition of the word analysis is, “the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements. “This is what Mr. Welch has done in essence with the study of God’s Word in these books.

We have in our own studies wondered what conclusions others have reached on any given subject. Many who hold the truth of the Mystery revealed to Paul are isolated from others who share the same beliefs. These books offer you Mr. Welch’s reasons for his understanding of a particular topic. Whether you agree totally with his thoughts or not isn’t as important as knowing that at least someone else has considered your question. In no way does Mr. Welch suggest that he has exhausted all possible conclusions, but rather he seems to point us in the right direction by showing us how he arrived at his final thoughts.

In I Timothy 2:4, we learn that it is God’s desire to save us and to lead us into a full knowledge of His Son. We can think of no better way to accomplish this goal than to study the Scriptures, and to follow the principles that Mr. Welch brings out so well in this 10 volume set.