As to the Person of God #1

by Joseph L. Watkins
    Some, I am sure, will wonder at the person of God.  Let me say, all I know of the person of God that is vital to you can only be derived from His book. We might even go so far as to say this Bible is God. Some what like we might show someone a picture and say ‘This is my Father. It isn’t, of course, but in a million ways His book pictures for us ‘the person of God’. So if you desire to know Him, that is the only place you will learn of Him and His person. Let me be quick to add that whatever attitude one has about, or the place one gives to “His book”, is just pretty much the same as one is giving to ‘the person of God’. So if you desire to come to know Him. That is the only place you will learn of Him and His person. Let me be quick to add that whatever one has about, or the place one gives to “His Book”, is just pretty much the same as one is giving to “the person of God”. Might it not be well that we all pause right here and consider just what place in our lives we have been giving to His book. When we give first place to His book, then we are giving first place to Him.
    So, may we together enter into His wonderful picture gallery, fully trusting the very one we seek to know to be faithful to reveal His very “person” to us. As we enter, we might ask “what are we looking for? What or who is this person like?” That is the question posed for us in the writings of the great prophet Isaiah in 40:18, “to whom then will ye liken God or what likeness we ye compare Him to?” Now this question must be very important, for it is repeated in 40:25 and again in 46:5, and resounds over and over in almost every human heart that ever was, “what is God like?” Of course the answer is “nothing”. God is not like anyone or anything, nor is there anyone or anything “like Him”. So what we are looking for is an altogether unique person. Then how shall we know Him if we should find Him, for He is not like anything we have ever seen or known. Now the answer to this riddle is that He must reveal Himself to us. Not by forms such as idols or images, but rather by words. His own sanctified words, words that are alive and full of power.
Now maybe a word of caution might be in order here. We fear that many have been searching for three gods in the pages of God’s book, God the father, God the spirit, and Gods little boy, the son. When in truth there can only be one God. In Deuteronomy 6:4 we read “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord:”