RD 101 - The Lamb

By Jack Eberle

The Lamb is the sacrificial basis upon which all claims to the throne are based. I counted 29 references in the Greek Scriptures to The Lamb. Twenty seven of these are in Revelation. Paul does not mention The Lamb. Revelation 5 is a beautiful chapter of Holy Writ. True worship is highly accented in the persons of the four living ones and the twenty-four elders. The elders have 28 golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the saints. The theme of this chapter is the person of The Lamb. He only is able to open the book written on both sides (opistograph) of the papyrus. He is the only one worthy. He is worshipped as “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah” and “The Root of David”. So “The Lamb” is also the lion and the root. He is also the redeemer (5.9). This chapter has “singing”(vs.3), prayer (vs.8) and adulation (vs.8). Look at the aggressive seven-fold praise of verse 12. How inspiring! The redeemed are of every tongue, kindred, people, and nation. These redeemed are made “kings” and “priests”. Imagine the carpenter, tax-collector, fisherman, all become “kings” and “priests”. The “loud voice” of those of verse 11 wishes “power”, “riches”, “wisdom”, “strength”, honor”, “glory” and “blessing” to the Lamb.

Those who follow “The Lamb whithersoever He goes” (14:4) were redeemed and are counted firstfruits unto God and The Lamb. They could be called “the robe-washers” according to 7:14. Some of this glorious company are even Gentile engraftees (7:9), Cf.,Romans 11:17.They have come out of great tribulation. They will experience death if necessary in their walks with The Lamb. Why not? The Lamb has redeemed them by His blood. Here is a picture of what any true believer in any administration of God/s should be like. It is indicative of what this true believer will experience when called upon to do so. We are reminded of Ephesians 5:2 and Colossians 1:10 and 2:6,and Phil. 1:29. Remember Eph. 1:7.

Revelation 13:8 has a singular statement allying The Lamb with The Book of Life. The language indicates that The Lamb was slain “from the casting-down” of the earth. In 21:27 we learn the characteristics of those not written in The Lamb’s book. Those written in His book have “life”.

Battles are fought by those redeemed ones. Revelation 12:11 states the “overcomers’” secret. They overcome by the blood of The Lamb and by the word of their testimony. As we mentioned before, “…they loved not their lives unto the death.” No wonder they can sing “The Song of the Lamb”, Rev. 15:3.

In John 1:29, John the Baptist introduces the unbelieving Jew to the One Who will take away all of their sins. They, as good Israelites, can understand the need for the sacrificial Lamb. From this group of early believers came those twelve who followed Jesus “whithersoever He went”.