What Do You Seek?

What Do You Seek?

By George Feldman

If a person is risen, then we may infer that he has died and was buried. And in this context we find death mentioned. In verse 20 in the preceding chapter we find that the believer should die with Christ from the rudiments of the world. Now when one is dead, he is free from the law, from ordinances or rules of men, and from any worldly attachments.

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How to Read the Bible

By Oscar M. Baker

We emphasize in our teaching that people READ the Bible, and once in a while we do give a lesson on reading, emphasis and so on. When I was a youngster, we had Bible reading in the home. Mother did the reading and Dad did the praying, and I of course listened. That may sound ritualistic in a way, and maybe it was, but I think some ritual is pretty good. A lot of things that came to my ears when that was being read, I didn't forget. Mother was a good reader. She had learned to read with emphasis, and how to watch the punctuation. Also, she tried to understand what she was reading - that makes all the difference in the world.

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Life and Resurrection #1

By Oscar M. Baker

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."

This is a repetition of 3:16, which is the same as Deut. 8:3, except that the latter is limited to Israel, while John 3:16 is worldwide in application, the result of the reconciliation of 2 Cor. 5:1. Life, (Gr. Zoe), is used 36 times in John's gospel, and even the critics must admit that this word does not mean animal life, but that it is the equivalent of the new man, the holy spirit, the spirit of Christ, etc. A present possession of the believer. So it is plain that the unbeliever will never see or experience this life, in this life or after death.

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